Cunt of the Year Canvas Print


Cunt of the Year Canvas Print. Rude canvas prints at Slightly Disturbed, hand-printed in the UK and shipped worldwide! FREE UK DELIVERY

Cunt of the Year Canvas Print

A fantastic addition to any room, this colourful rude print is a great way to show how much you care! This canvas print with a red rosette and “Cunt of the Year”, will be the centrepiece of any room, great as a gift for any occasion.

Printed on high-quality polyester canvas and mounted on lightweight canvas framework, our Cunt of the Year canvas print is ready to hang as soon as it arrives.

Please Note

All of our items are hand-printed to order, as a result, colours may vary between prints – images are for illustration purposes only.

Additional information

Weight450 g


Product type

Canvas Prints


Product tags



12 x 16, 8 x 12