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Roses Are Red Mug

Roses Are Red

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Roses Are Red Mug

A geeky mug with "Roses Are Red. Violets Are Blue. Unexpected '{' On Line 32" printed on both sides. Simple and straight to the point this geeky mug is great as a gift for any occasion.

Our Roses Are Red mug is hand-printed on both sides (front/back) of a high-quality mug and available in a variety of styles and colours. Choose from

  • A classic ceramic mug in white gloss
  • Vibrantly coloured inner and matching handle mugs
  • Gold or silver sparkling pearl finish mugs
  • Gold, silver, pink or blue glitter mugs

Please Note

All of our items are hand-printed to order, as a result, colours may vary between prints - images are for illustration purposes only.